Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Become a Professional Animal Wellness Specialist

We are continually recruiting new members who love animals as passionately
as we do; we also want to attract pet owners who are open-minded to
things holistic and natural for their animals.

We offer mentoring for lay people to gain a Certificate in Companion Animal Wellness
through Clayton College of Natural Health, a distance-learning graduate program
based in Birmingham, AL. This certificate will prepare you to be in the PAWS
Institute Leadership Group and actively advance our mission in the community
as a "Professional Animal Wellness Specialist."

It is our mission to recruit, train and send P.A.W.S. trainers into the community
to teach safe, practical, and inexpensive homeopathic protocols for your pets. We also
wish to recruit activists to campaign against abusive practices in high-kill shelters
throughout the country. Finally, we seek to monitor unscrupulous practices of
professionals in the animal healthcare industry and be persuasive agents of
positive change.

Membership dues are only $10.00 per year. There are additional ways our members
can support and be involved in our mission goals - attending monthly meetings
is a great way to stay abreast of our rescue and educational efforts.

As we grow, we will have many more rewarding and exciting ways for YOU to become
involved - please consider joining The PAWS Institute now! Contact Emily Smith at pawsrescue911@yahoo.com.


Emily B. Smith, Director
